Where to drink beers in Vienna
I’ve spent nearly 23 years in Vienna and have visited a fair number of places down the years for drinking beers. These are the places I enjoy and tend to recommend to others:
- Ammutson, Barnabitengasse 10, 1060 Wien
- Anton Frank, Gymnasiumstraße 25, 1180 Wien
- Beaver Brewing Company, Liechtensteinstrasse 69, 1090 Wien
- Brauhund, Schweglerstraße 48, 1150 Wien
- Brendl, Kleine Sperlgasse 1a, 1020 Wien
- Cafe Bendl, Landesgerichtsstrasse 6, 1080 Wien
- Fischerbräu, Billrothstraße 17, 1190 Wien
- Känguruh, Bürgerspitalgasse 20, 1060 Wien
- Mel’s Craft Beers and Diner, Wipplingerstrasse 10, 1010 Wien
- Philosoph, Judengasse 11, 1010 Wien
- Siebensternbräu, Siebensterngasse 1070 Wien
- TenFifty Bräuerei, Absberggasse 27/3/10.2, 1100 Wien
Last Updated: April 2023
In August 2022, The European Bar Guide was in town again, and I tipped them off about Bendl, which made their weekend.
Sadly no longer around:
- Bunte Kuh
- Cafe Sperlhof
- Fassldippler
- Schlosswerk
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