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At some point between now and the time of the referendum, I expect there to be a major event that might prove decisive for the course of the referendum – and the optimistic says it might be the result of a statement made by Boris Johnson. Unfortunately with so much of the fluff and bluster that he spouts, there is a fear that it might cocoon any bombshell that he might drop, the detonation of which could permanently damage his “Brexit” campaign. When I spoke to a journalist from The Local on Wednesday, I stated this point that I thought that the referendum is unlikely to be head and head right up until the day the votes are cast. Boris’ recent appearance (on Wednesday 23rd March) in front of the Treasury Committee was typical of his penchant for bluster. One of the interesting remarks was that the fears of Brexit and subsequent instability were comparable to the fears about Y2K (the Millennium Bug of course was not as devastating as it had been portrayed as being, perhaps due to the fact that it was already being addressed far farther forward than only three months prior to three months before the end of 1999…)
Furthermore, of Somerset-related interest, Jacob Rees-Mogg reconfirmed that he was siding with Boris – this was of course of no surprise. The grilling that Boris received, as Mayor of London showed though that he seems to conveniently forget and change his own mind on issues – but unfortunately that the bluster and oafishness do have a cocooning effect in terms of how seriously his about turns are taken. What also comes out of his appearance is the fact that he seems to think that talking over everyone else is an effective way to steamroller his way through the debate. The papers seem to have been less than convinced.