The first posts have started appearing on the Vienna Expats site that I run from concerned Expats. To date there has only been one very brief statement from the Ambassador (although given the chaos and confusion it would be unrealistic to expect a more substantial one). This time last week I was waking up on my 39th birthday with the UK being turned upside down. Fortunately work has been crazily busy due to the work associated with getting a new website live – yes it happened to deadline! Continue reading “Who feels our pain?”
Category: Law
How realistic is the two-year period for negotiating a Brexit? And what does Article 50 of the EU Treaty say?
Having touched upon the issue of Article 50 of the European Treaty and how it offers a two-year transitional period, I have, when speaking to a couple of media enquiries, emphasised that it is not this period that will be the most difficult for Expats living abroad, but what comes after the expiry of the transition period. The complexity of the Brexit is something that seems to have not been assessed particularly by those championing the advantages of leaving the EU. Continue reading “How realistic is the two-year period for negotiating a Brexit? And what does Article 50 of the EU Treaty say?”
One month gone – three to go until the referendum…
Amazingly a month has flown by since the date of the referendum being set for 23rd June. Since then, the topic has become one of the central focuses of my reading – particularly in light of the fact that I have been trying to mug up about the impact of it and to be better informed to in turn place myself in a position to be able to inform others. I’ve had requests from journalists requesting interviews and asking for my 2 pence / 3 Eurocents worth, and have answered all sorts of questions about Expat life. Continue reading “One month gone – three to go until the referendum…”