A member of the pro-Remain Facebook group The 48%, the Facebook presence of the website 48andbeyond.com, has conducted a survey of group members – and got over 1,300 responses. The article she wrote about the findings of the survey prove interesting reading.
Category: UK
Six months down the line – little has changed
There has been little change so far in the aftermath of the UK Referendum on EU Membership
In May, I asked three British citizens living in Austria in favour of the UK leaving the EU for their thoughts about the referendum and also how things would be if the UK were to decide to leave the EU. Two replied back then, and now six months down the road, I asked them to say how they feel the situation has changed, how they found out the news etc. The first response came from a Briton living in Western Austria – their previous response to some questions I set is here. I also welcomed their comments on the situation in the Austrian Presidential election and the US Presidential election. The first response is here.
Continue reading “Six months down the line – little has changed”
A collective sigh of relief from Austria – Putting the Bundespräsidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung to bed
Austria’s Presidential Election is finally over, Renzi loses in Italy and the Supreme Court Hearing takes place…
In a year where the only certainty has been uncertainty – particularly as far as election results have been concerned, the acceptance of the result in the postponed re-run of the run-off for the President Election was a relief – marking at least in Austria the end of the political year dominated by the “Bundespräsidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung“. Back in May, with Van der Bellen and Norbert Hofer too close to separate from physical votes cast, we had had a nervous weight for a result – Austria’s news providers’ webservers crashing seemed to collude to make the announced results at 4pm on the Monday back in May after a Sunday vote even more tense. Continue reading “A collective sigh of relief from Austria – Putting the Bundespräsidentenstichwahlwiederholungsverschiebung to bed”
A question of citizenship
The bond of citizenship this year has been a waivering one for me…
A post in the “The 48%”, a Facebook group of Remain supporters, popped up from another Briton in Austria earlier in the autumn, who had just arrived at the decision to choose to naturalise as an Austrian citizen, in so doing of course having to renounce his UK citizenship. Since contact with him, I have also made contact to other UK citizens in Austria within the group, and weighed up our collective plights. Continue reading “A question of citizenship”
The removal of the “15-year rule” – a case of too little too late
Votes for life due to be rolled out – too little too late.
On Friday, 7 October, there was a monumental announcement from the cabinet office, namely that the 15 year rule, which was the rule that had prevented me and countless others from voting in the UK Referendum on Membership of the EU, would be ditched and that there would be “votes for life” for Britons abroad. Continue reading “The removal of the “15-year rule” – a case of too little too late”
5 September – Parliamentary debate on “the petition” and Austria’s ongoing presidential run-off omnishambles
The four million signature petition is debated in parliament. Only two MPs mention the uncertainty of UK citizens living in the EU.
The petition that got 4,000,000+ signatures was debated in parliament. MPs seemed unanimous that a second referendum was not a valid consideration – John Penrose coining the term of a “neverendum”. Continue reading “5 September – Parliamentary debate on “the petition” and Austria’s ongoing presidential run-off omnishambles”
Who feels our pain?
The first posts have started appearing on the Vienna Expats site that I run from concerned Expats. To date there has only been one very brief statement from the Ambassador (although given the chaos and confusion it would be unrealistic to expect a more substantial one). This time last week I was waking up on my 39th birthday with the UK being turned upside down. Fortunately work has been crazily busy due to the work associated with getting a new website live – yes it happened to deadline! Continue reading “Who feels our pain?”
Reflections following a brief statement from the British Ambassador to Austria
To fellow Brits in Vienna – remain strong – and if anyone is feeling alone and bewildered, get in touch.
Last evening I saw a brief video clip from HM British Embassy here in Vienna – with a very brief statement by the Ambassador, who is due to conclude her term here very soon. The video was published through the Embassy’s Facebook account, and was released yesterday. Continue reading “Reflections following a brief statement from the British Ambassador to Austria”
My initial reaction to the results of the Referendum
My brief statement prepared yesterday immediately upon hearing the results.
I went to bed early on Thursday to make sure that I could watch the coverage of the results towards the ‘business end’ of the count. At 4am I woke up, and upon looking at my phone, headed to the sitting room to watch the coverage on BBC News. Slowly but surely with a Lagavullin in my hand the ‘remain’ camp were not making any inroads into the ‘leave’ advantage.
Continue reading “My initial reaction to the results of the Referendum”
I am British – and European
This Briton wants to stay in the EU…
Patrick Lamb recently posted about his being British on his Facebook account. Metropole, the English language city magazine for Vienna picked up on his post and asked to repost it. It made me think that as a last post before the Referendum I should consider my similar story. Hat tip to Mr. Lamb! Continue reading “I am British – and European”