FM4 Radio Interview

On Friday I did a brief interview with FM4, the state-owned alternative music station that also has some programming in English.

FM4 Sign at the Funkhaus
FM4 Sign at the Funkhaus

On Friday I did a brief interview with FM4, the state-owned alternative music station that also has some programming in English.

Chris Cummins, who presents the Reality Check show, is another long-term Briton in Europe and he asked me some questions about how a Brexit might affect me as a Briton in Europe. He’ll be sent to cover the Referendum from London for the station in June.

The interview can be listened to online on FM4’s Website until 20 May at:

Interview with Joe Mayes – a Paris-based journalist

Yesterday morning I was interviewed over the phone by a journalist in Paris, Joe Mayes. He wanted to ask about various facets of expat life, which he is currently pitching an article for – he is already very aware of the expat situation from Paris – and contacted me after finding out about my blog through the wetheeu website. I’ve embedded a recent piece from his website (below) – his focus was from Brits in Paris – and there is a lot of similarity to the circumstances faced by Brits there as to Austria – particularly in relation to the potential currency shock in relation to the effects of a Brexit.  Continue reading “Interview with Joe Mayes – a Paris-based journalist”

Rebecca Pow, MP for Taunton Deane, voting to stay in

When I contacted Rebecca Pow, the Conservative MP for Taunton Deane, at the start of March, she replied that she had not yet decided in which camp she would be in for the UK Referendum on EU Membership. She has now chosen to support the campaign for remaining in the EU, a decision which I salute, and am highly relieved at. Continue reading “Rebecca Pow, MP for Taunton Deane, voting to stay in”

Bluster from Boris?

At some point between now and the time of the referendum, I expect there to be a major event that might prove decisive for the course of the referendum – and the optimistic says it might be the result of a statement made by Boris Johnson. Unfortunately with so much of the fluff and bluster that he spouts, there is a fear that it might cocoon any bombshell that he might drop, the detonation of which could permanently damage his “Brexit” campaign. Continue reading “Bluster from Boris?”