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I tried to gauge the Austrian opinion from some of the quality papers also with a particular slant on looking at what their readers comments say. Readers who speak German might like to bookmark Der Standard (www.derstandard.at) – its stories seem to generate the most comments, albeit also with the highest number of trolls. Apparently Austria wants Britain to stay in the EU, although some forum trolls might suggest otherwise (they might need to get out of their cellars a bit more often…).
Der Standard‘s headline is Cameron wirbt für Verbleib in der EU (Cameron campaigns to remain in the EU) and readers comments include the notion of a “Brexkick” (where the UK is kicked out rather than leaving the EU!) as well as talking about the the UK’s special agenda as “Extrawurst”.
A piece in Die Presse entitled “Großbritanniens neuer EU-Deal: Viel Lärm um wenig” (Great Britain’s new EU deal: much ado about nothing) features a comment branding the British as being an “island of special sausage cases and Euro dodgers” – “Insel der Sonderwürste und Euro verweigerer”. Others hope that a Brexit might rein in the grand dreams of a United States of Europe.
Kurier’s article “In Camerons Team rüsten sich EU-Gegner” (Opponents of the EU are taking up their arms in Cameron’s team) focusses on the divisions in the Conservative Party over the referendum – while also saying that Labour “is only half-heartedly pro Europe” (Auch Labour halbherzig Pro-Europa)
And of course there is the populist Krone Zeitung, which claims that Cameron has a 15 percent lead over the “No” campaign. Its article again also elicits some wonderful trolling comments.