I was pleasantly surprised that my letter sent to Rebecca Pow received a response within a few hours – which also outlines her reasons for not having declared whether she is “in” or “out” at this point in time. Continue reading “My letter to my MP – a quick response”
Author: mdgb
A letter to my (still?) MP
In order to try to raise awareness of the Overseas Voter issue, particularly in light of the withdrawing of the Overseas Voters Bill after its second reading in the House of Commons, I contacted the MP of my last constituency, Rebecca Pow, to draw her attention to my plight.
In order to try to raise awareness of the Overseas Voter issue, particularly in light of the withdrawing of the Overseas Voters Bill after its second reading in the House of Commons, I contacted the MP of my last constituency, Rebecca Pow, to draw her attention to my plight. Ms. Pow is currently undecided on whether to back the “In” or “Out” campaign.
The effect of Brexit on the GBP-EUR exchange rate
Having had a foreign currency mortgage, denominated in Swiss Franc, taken out on a property bought in Euro here in Austria, since Swiss Franc mortgages were a popular instrument prior to the Financial Crisis, I’ve seen the destructive effect that a currency devaluation can have for borrowers. The effects of a Brexit could be similar for Brits abroad who are using their Sterling savings to keep afloat in the Euro area. Regardless of whether financing of property is involved, the effects of a Brexit are likely to cause considerable volatility for Sterling.
Continue reading “The effect of Brexit on the GBP-EUR exchange rate”
A ray of (C)hope – Part 2 – The Overseas Voters Bill comes off the rails
Unfortunately the ray of hope about the Overseas Voters Bill has been extinguished. The second reading of the Bill, last Friday morning provided a lively debate – even though MPs strayed in their debating to issues of electoral reform within the UK, rather than sticking strictly to the subject of Overseas Voter registration. Continue reading “A ray of (C)hope – Part 2 – The Overseas Voters Bill comes off the rails”
Metropole on the Brexit
Metropole – the monthly English language magazine for Vienna also runs a blog, and today’s post “Until the Brexit do us Part” featured a couple of my comments to them. There are a number of interesting perspectives – including a fair few from translators – some of whom have a slightly “devil-may-care” approach to paying into pension systems either here in Austria or in the UK.
Continue reading “Metropole on the Brexit”
What things could look like if “No” win.
An article in the Independent imagines what it could be like, if despite opinion polls were suggesting that the UK would vote to stay in, the result turned out to be in fact in favour of a Brexit. Continue reading “What things could look like if “No” win.”
A ray of (C)hope
Today there is a Private Members Bill before the House of Commons, in its second reading, tabled by the Rt. Hon. Christopher Chope (Conservative MP for Christchurch and a fellow St Andrews graduate). Continue reading “A ray of (C)hope”
A letter of note from another UK expat
In response to my post on Vienna Expats’ facebook page about the the 2nd reading of the Private Members Bill on allowing all UK citizens in the EU to vote, regardless of how long they have been outside the UK, there was a comment from another Brit in Vienna, Christian Cummins, with a link to a letter he had submitted to the Guardian – it is worth a read. Continue reading “A letter of note from another UK expat”
One wanted to stand on the desk and cheer…

I remember my previous boss once telling me that he had worked with Bernard Connolly at the European Commission in the early 1990s – prior to Connolly’s departure from the Commission under a cloud in the wake of his book “The Rotten Heart of Europe”, which savaged the common currency. The book, written in 1995 was re-released a couple of years ago with new material to extend to the financial crisis. Continue reading “One wanted to stand on the desk and cheer…”
Guardian List of MPs’ stances
After the Spectator list about who is in the In camp, who wants the UK to leave, and who is undecided in the Conservative party, the Guardian has a list about all 650 MPs, which it is updating regularly. Continue reading “Guardian List of MPs’ stances”