So much more to Vienna than what fickle influencers tell you about
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I moved to Vienna in July 2000 and have spent approaching 24 years here. I’ve lived in three districts (9th, 5th and 19th) and spent over 21 years working in the 9th district. Since 2020, geocaching has also shown me the city in a very different light as a geocacher. Ultimately, I go about my life as your typical Viennese does. The city is my home, as I have spent my entire adult life here.
I commute by bus and tram, and drop my children off and pick them up from the local school and kindergarten. The SchnellbahnSchnellbahn The Schnellbahn are the commuter rail services into and around Vienna. helps me to get around and into town. I don’t feel the need to update others about ticket checks, because I’ve had a JahreskarteJahreskarte The Jahreskarte is the annual public transportation ticket for Vienna's central zone. And a bargain at EUR 365 a year. It covers, U-Bahn, railway, trams and buses within the central zone. A monthly equivalent, Monatskarte, or a weekly one (Wochenkarte) also exist. for many years. I’ve weaned myself off Uber – although when the children were very young they were convenient.
Children’s comics come from the nearest TrafikTrafik Trafik is the Austrian German name for a tobacconist, which also sells newspapers, magazines and comics.. My children are happy to whizz around on scooters and bikes in the nearest park. I shop at the local supermarkets and market, and catch up with friends over a Krugerl in bars. I know where I can use cash and where I can use card payments. Importantly, I know where to avoid when having a tinnitus flare and needing to wash my hands.
More surprisingly for Vienna bashers or vacuous influencers, I know and talk to my neighbours. I don’t view a trip to BobovilleBoboville Boboville or Boboland are names given to the 7th and 8th districts of Vienna - Bobo is a term that means something similar to hipster. as going off the beaten track. I’ve only been to Billa at Praterstern on a Sunday twice in 24 years – twice too frequently. Ranking lists and listicles are a pet peeve.